Thursday, May 24, 2007

Swapping File Servers (hold on to your pocket protectors!)

I'm letting my old, archaic domain name expire in a few days, so I've moved all the somniloquy media files to my new domain, [Cue the nerdy techie music and badly done 3D rendered graphics splash screen, and start pumping up the kegs filled with Jolt.]

Please let me know if you find any broken links or other bogus razmataz. Just leave a comment on the offending page, and I'll get right on it.

I've been thinking about revamping the look of my blog--anyone have any ideas or otherwise useful input? My main concern right now, is not everyone is able to listen to the audio files...which basically renders the blog useless ('cause we all know you aren't coming to read this blog for my witty banter.)

On a ranty note, how come there isn't a for audio files? I know there are music sites, but none that seem to cater to my needs. Unless y'all know something I don't (which collectively, I wouldn't doubt.) It kind of sucks having to hand-code these pages everytime I want to post an audio file. I think that if there was a better, more automated way of posting the sleep files, I'd be more likely to post regularly. Or maybe it's a GOOD thing I don't post more regularly...Heh.

So here's some sleep stuff of recent vintage. I'm in a talking mood lately, so I've been feeling good each morning. It really helps me keep up my spirits when I find lots of good sleeptalk, and it keeps me from falling behind on my listen-back routine.

...and stuff.

04 May 2007 - "8-and-a-half pounds"

07 Apr 2007 - "Oppity oppy oughta be"

02 Apr 2007 - "Early show rainbow"

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Saturday, May 12, 2007

Two days, one year, today.

By the way, this month marks my one year anniversary of active posting.

If you read and like, please show some comment love so I know this isn't just a complete waste of my time. Only partial. :]

Love, Dandan


Those of you who know me, know I have a bit of a love affair with cereal. Actually, those of you who know me may not be aware of this at all. But I absolutely love cereal. I think about it all the time. I even DREAM about it.

For the past year or so, I've been faithful to one cereal: Barbara's Shredded Spoonfuls.
They are like whole wheat versions of Life cereal. They are so good. Just the right sugar content, they soak up the milk at the perfect rate...I can't dole out enough praise for these little squares of sweet joy.

However, sometimes you have to mix it up so you don't get burnt out on one taste. And I always wanted to eat frosted mini-wheats, but they are ALWAYS made with gelatin (even the organic brands), which makes them un-vegetarian, which in turn makes them inedible by my dietary guidelines. Until the day I found this cereal:

Kashi -- get this -- Autumn Wheat

Autumn Wheat

These woven wheaty chunks, while not frosted, make me feel like I'm eating pure jazz. Maybe that's just the power of suggestion from the name. But still! They are grand. Super grand.

Don't get me wrong, they could never replace my current love for the spoonfuls, however they serve their purpose perfectly. It's basically my weekend cereal. I just ate a bowl right now. They are so good.

In other news, I've been mildly depressed lately, because I haven't been saying much in my sleep. I look back at how often I used to sleeptalk back in the day, and it's just no comparison. I blame my meds mostly. Recently, I dropped my dosage (don't worry, it was for reasons other than increasing somniloquy) and the results have been somewhat favorable. This past Thursday night, I spoke 5 times or more! In one night! That's some good stuff. And, while I've been sick a lot lately, I haven't been snoring as much he past few days. If you can imagine the extra amount of work created by my snoring--80 minutes of audio to wade through instead of 15--maybe you will share in my rejoicement.

So here's some of the best of the past few weeks:

12 Apr 2007 - "Somebody's Buddy Buddy"

10 May 2007 - "Can I calieve like this half?"

10 May 2007 - "She knows what she's talkin' about there"

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